Hair Mask silky smooth and hair growth 丝滑发膜修护头皮脂溢性脱发
Hair Mask silky smooth and hair growth 丝滑发膜修护头皮脂溢性脱发
Hair Mask silky smooth and hair growth 丝滑发膜修护头皮脂溢性脱发

Hair Mask silky smooth and hair growth 丝滑发膜修护头皮脂溢性脱发

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Get to the root and grow new hair!

Our hair is the first thing everyone notices when they see us. Don’t let your hair be dry, damaged and lifeless and keeping losing because of the everyday stress. Adding a hair mask to your routine is a fantastic way to add nourishment, soften and improve the condition of the hair.

This hair Mask will give you the magic in achieving the smoother, thicker, lustrous shine and healthy-looking hair that you have been dreaming of without spending too much time on it. It’s a rich conditioning hair mask which is full of gorgeous butters, nourishing oils and some fabulous essential oils and botanical extracts. This hair mask is thoughtfully designed for dry and damaged hair, itching scalp, dandruff, and stimulation hair growth.


100% Natural: No artificial ingredients to harm the hair and scalp.

Main ingredients: Butter and oil: Babassu, cupuacu, tucuma, tamanu, black castor, pracaxi, bacuri, sheabutter & coconut oil. Essential oils include: myrrh, ylangylang, rosemary, lavender, peppermint, with a woody and mossy tone. Together with witch hazel and vegetable glycerin.

Easy to Use: This is a pre-shampoo product. Apply the mask liberally on dry hair, you can use it only on the hair or you can also apply it on the scalp. We recommend that you wrap your hair in a warm towel and use a hairdryer with a gentle heat to warm up the hair. If you live in a sunny place, try sitting in the sun with a good book. The heat encourages the cuticles to open therefore speeding up the absorption of the product. Leave the mask for 60 mins or even overnight. The time of treatment will depend on your hair, this varies for everyone. Wash your hair as usual, no need conditioner.

Main ingredients introduction:

 Babassu oil is a natural emollient that strengthens the hair and leaves it moisturized and refreshed. It serves as a great solution for irritated, flaky, or a damaged scalp. Due to its restorative properties, it is ideal for sensitive skin and great for soothing eczema. Also, it’s light and non-greasy.

 Cupuacu butter is an amazing hair moisturizer that possesses water absorbing abilities. This butter helps strengthen hair and promote a healthy scalp, all thanks to its abundant nutrients and minerals. It’s definitely, perfect for your winter regimen.

 Tucuma butter is rich in beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A; one of the important vitamins for healthier and stronger hair growth. It is high in lauric, myristic, and oleic fatty acids – excellent for maintaining moisture in the hair. High amounts of vitamin A also contribute to a healthy, supple, oil-producing scalp for hair growth and length retention. Tucuma butter is an excellent choice for damaged hair in need of restructuring and stabilizing.

 Tamanu: Moisturize hair and promote its growth. Promote moisture retention in skin and hair.

 Pracaxi oil: If you suffer from excessive hair loss and your scalp requires deep nourishment, you must try out pracaxi oil. This is one of the more unusual hair oils. It is very unique and (unfortunately) not generally available. Its strong rejuvenating properties and the presence of a unique fatty acid (behenic) make Pracaxi oil highly desirable especially in hair care products.

 Bacuri Butter Promotes hair and nail growth.

 Black Castor Oil works for all hair types. It will moisturize, thicken, strengthen and rapidly increase hair growth. It increases blood flow to the scalp, supplying valuable nutrients to hair follicles. Black Castor Oil also prevent hair breakage, dandruff, eczema and dry, itchy scalp.

 Shea Butter is heavier than most butters, but it works wonders for damaged and brittle hair. It also repairs breakage by strengthening your strands from root to tip. Shea butter can also protect your hair from harmful UV Rays and prevent sun damage. Apply this butter to wet or damp hair to lock in moisture.

 Coconut oil is a natural way to help your hair grow longer, thicker, and faster. The vitamins and essential fatty acids naturally found in coconut oil nourish the scalp and help to remove sebum build-up from hair follicles.

 For hair, Myrrh Essential Oil's astringency strengthens the roots and thus reduces hair loss

 Rosemary oil always performs as a common hair growth treatment, Like peppermint essential oil (also used to promote hair growth), rosemary essential oil strengthens circulation. As a result, it could prevent hair follicles from being starved of blood supply, dying off, and leading to hair loss.

 Ylang Ylang Essential Oil is an effective natural treatment to reduce hair fall caused by stress and alopecia. Its usage dates back to the Victorian Era when the Victorians added Ylang Ylang to their Macassar hair oil. When it is massaged into the hair follicles, it stimulates hair growth. It is a natural way to treat thinning hair.

⚠️Always remember natural ingredients don't necessarily mean no irritation. Essential oils have a certain irritating, especially for those easy to get allergic. Before using products with essential oils, please test on small pieces of skin (behind your ear, etc.). If there is an irritating reaction, stop using it immediately.


主要成分:蕴含印楝,babassu, 古朴阿苏,pacaxi, bacuri, 琼崖海棠,椰子油,黑蓖麻籽油,乳母果油,精油搭配MRH有机没药,依兰依兰,迷迭香,薰衣草和薄荷精油,具有木质和苔藓的气息,针对季节性脱发,促进头发生长,头皮干痒,头皮痘痘,毛囊发炎,头屑乱飘,头皮油腻,头发枯燥,蓬乱无序.......给头发重新注入生机和能量,改善头皮出油,头屑,发痒,毛囊炎等头皮状况。这个基础油组合绝对是粗硬,毛糙发质星人的救星,会让头发变得柔润,有光泽,是真的那种穿透毛干的滋润和锁水,不是硅油成分带来的那种即刻顺滑,因为她里面含有维生素E等物质可以身体到发根,刺激毛囊蛋白的生长,所以,见效也是需要一些时间的,谁让她是天然的呢。而且也具备一定的止痒,去除头屑的功效哦。







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